Thursday, October 14, 2010

Who do YOU want to be?

In a land so inundated with movies that have computer generated imagery, we all have our favorites. I have played with some of the stuff for my grandkids but was thinking today who would I like to be? I thought I would explore that here and show you all my results. Have fun with these!

From the movie Avitar:

....and for me too!

My grandson, Cole is an avid Spidey fan. I made this quickly for his birthday party:

And for my SpongeBob Macaroni....

For my beautiful granddaughter, Sofia....always wishing for butterflies! 

I will have to work on Radley's.... maybe tomorrow I will add it.

Happy trails whomever you are!

1 comment:

  1. Very creative! The music is a nice touch.
